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CTF team gives tutorial

The “Ufologists” CTF team has prepared tutorial: Selected Exercises on Ethical Hacking from Security CTF Competitors by Artem Blagodarenko, Konstantin Olshanov, Anton Rechkov, Sergey Cherementsev, and Alexander Boiko, Taganrog Institute of Technology – Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia The tutorial can be interesting for someone who just introduced CTF for yourself and someone who already …

Dataflow-0.2.0 is now available

After month of development new features are available: Module’s functions recovering from binary code without any additional information; Binary program test SDK creation; Test loading to target binary program’s address space. Test executing. An analyzed binary continues executing in same mode as before test loading. Thus, Dataflow-0.2.0 version can be used for in memory fuzzing …